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Dibuix d'Alejandro Coll. |
Torfin Karlsefni està documentat a la Grœnlendinga saga, una de les dues principals fonts literàries que parlen de l'exploració norse al nord d'Amèrica. Els navegants van anomenar la zona com a Vinland, terra de la vinya. I d'allí van tornar cap a casa seva, Groenlàndia, amb vaixells carregats de blat i raïm. Karlsefni és només un dels protagonistes d'un llibre que va fer les delícies d'una generació que avui ja depassa els setanta anys d'edat, i que el va poder comprar per sis pessetes. Aquesta generació va precedir la que, en parlar de víkings, tenim com a referència infantil la sèrie de dibuixos animats de 1973 Vickie el vikingo, que estrenà RTVE del 1974 al 1975.
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Vickie el víquing.Anime News Network. |
Però tornem al llibre, es tracta de Los vikingos, d'Alfonso Nadal, editat per la veterana editorial barcelonina Molino, i del qual se'n van fer diverses edicions. El llibre, amb una potent coberta dibuixada per Alejandro Coll (la foto que il·lustra aquesta entrada n'és un detall), incorpora a l'interior dibuixos a ploma i aquarel·les datats el 1942. L'autor d'aquest llibre juvenil s'endinsa en llocs comuns víkings, però de manera que incorporava un ampli ventall: Anècdotes, aventures, història i si... també tòpics. Alfonso Nadal com els víkings s'ho feien per albirar la costa gràcies a un corb, de l'incendi i saqueig de Nantes, de caceres de balenes, entre molts altres suggerents temes que la tradició ha associat al món víking.
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Hagar the Horrible. Lambiek |
En tenim més de referents, la famosa tira de Dik Browne Olaf el víking n'és un, que el 2010 es publicava diàriament en 1900 diaris del món. Però podem parlar d'un món víking? Els víkings tenien cosnciència de
ser-ho? Quina era la seva religió original? Quan van abraçar el
cristianisme? I això del poble norse... com ho lliguem amb els víkings? I
parlant de víkings... Vickie el víking o l'Olaf el Terrible duen banyes
al casc... el dibuixant Alejandro Coll no sempre les dibuixa... però
realment en duien de banyes al casc?
2 comentaris:
I am so happy to be finally cured of herpes simplex virus by herbalist Razor,Ever since i was diagnosed with the virus i have been using medical drugs to suppress it, i later realized it was causing more damage to my health than the virus,i opted for herbs and got to find out about the great work herbalist Doctor razor have been doing with his herbal remedy. i contacted him and he promised to help me get rid of it,after 4 days i received a package fro the delivery service and it was from the doctor who sent me the herbal treatment in Dallas,Texas USA, And he instructed me on how i was going too take in for the 18 days. After completing the dosage he told e to go for a medical checkup and when i did the doctors conducted some test on me but they were stunned that my status was now negative,they conducted several test on me to be sure. i even went to Medical City Dallas Hospital, where they conducted another test and it was still negative. I am so grateful to you herbal doctor razor , God will continue to prosper you,i pray the world gets to know about you and your herbal exploits. Reach him on his email : drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com Whatsapp/Call his cell phone on +2349065420442. PLEASE SHARE , SO THE WORLD CAN GET TO KNOW ABOUT HIM.
I am so happy to be finally cured of herpes simplex virus by herbalist Razor,Ever since i was diagnosed with the virus i have been using medical drugs to suppress it, i later realized it was causing more damage to my health than the virus,i opted for herbs and got to find out about the great work herbalist Doctor razor have been doing with his herbal remedy. i contacted him and he promised to help me get rid of it,after 4 days i received a package fro the delivery service and it was from the doctor who sent me the herbal treatment in Dallas,Texas USA, And he instructed me on how i was going too take in for the 18 days. After completing the dosage he told e to go for a medical checkup and when i did the doctors conducted some test on me but they were stunned that my status was now negative,they conducted several test on me to be sure. i even went to Medical City Dallas Hospital, where they conducted another test and it was still negative. I am so grateful to you herbal doctor razor , God will continue to prosper you,i pray the world gets to know about you and your herbal exploits. Reach him on his email : drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com Whatsapp/Call his cell phone on +2349065420442. PLEASE SHARE , SO THE WORLD CAN GET TO KNOW ABOUT HIM.
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